Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The prank from Valjevo

The cheerful spirit of Valjevo prank

            Valjevo . Beautiful  town in western Serbia, located in the piedmont of the same name . Widely known for its history , the people who made ​​it famous and spread the it’s name in our country and beyond. Valjevo has a number of characteristics by which a recognized and considered by many to be the best recognized  in  the triangle that make science , culture and nature . In it’s nature beauty  Valjevo not lacking . Famous also by it’s  raspberries , and vineyards as  homemade brandy that is produced in this region . Valjevo are very proud of their language , which they believe is the most correct of all the earth , and much more to them in this regard in favor . However ,  their neighboring cities , for example, Cacak and Uzice are not agree with Valjevo citizens .  From the other side, Valjevo people   it seems it does not attach great significance . We could say that everything turns into a joke . And that is the essence of the story .
Valjevo are therefore known as a people cheerful spirit , prone to pranks , which are usually geared towards their neighbors , Sabac citizens and people of Uzice . One of them has become almost legendary , which is why it was created and now famous " Valjevo prank ." What is it all about? At least as the story says they were passing through Valjevo wedding guests from Sabac with the groom , who went for the bride in Uzice. The overnight stay  was built in Valjevo , where their hosts decided to make some joke with them and managed to get drunk with their quality brandy . People from  Sabac continued its journey towards Uzice and Valjevo people stayed to cure a hangover , but then thay figured out how to prank to the  neighbors . After returning from Uzice of Sabac decide to spend the night again in Valjevo . Valjevo people has  just decided to make the wedding reception . Everything was as with their neighbors , except that a  young boy was masked , dressed in bride. It was created general joy lasted all night , with a good song and brandy . Confused the wedding guests , including shenanigans make Valjevo and Sabac citizens send their young - a young man disguised as a bride. What's even  more ,  they suggest to their guests that  bride and groom  should aside and that they  have spend the night together ! As the story goes , people from Sabac left Valjevo satisfied and happy .

            It is not known how much of this story is the truth, but certainly it is transformed into a legend. By  which Valjevo today  is recognized. Some believe that in this legend, as in similar stories of Valjevo deceit, lies and urban legends about the fame  of the guys from Valjevo and Uzice girls. Certainly it is best if you make it yourself. A Valjevo will no doubt impress you in many ways.

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